The Site
Welcome to the phone-friendly version of our website. This section is very much in the process of being built as takes a lot of time. Basically, I had to start the website all over because the old version wouldn't simply upgrade to a phone-friendly version. Congrats on finding yourself here.
Jackie and I are on our fifth year of full-time RV'ing. This site is simply a journal of our travels, it is not our intention to make money off of it. For each campground that we visit, I write a paragraph or two about our experience, add a few photos, and include the campground's description.
I've organized the website by US regions, states, and alphabetically by campground name. Feel free to add comments about your experiences. (unfortunately, I had to remove the auto-post feature from the site due to nefarious people taking advantage of the ability to put unrelated links all over the site without restrictions}
This website is always under construction as I add content every day. It may not always be up to date or some pages may be partially complete, but after all, I am retired and the website is just for fun. I am having a great time sharing our experiences and hope that the site helps others in their travels.