Where We Are Now

We landed this afternoon at Ely KOA Journey, pretty much right in the middle of Nevada, elevation, 6500 ft. This is just a stop-over for a night, but it really is a nice campground. We plan to drive around this after and check out the town.

   Ely KOA our site

Where We Are on the Map

Where to Next

From here we're heading north to Idaho. Our first stop is a place called Anderson Camp. We plan to spend a couple of days there so we can check out Shoshone Falls and what's left of Twin Falls

 Anderson Camp Stock Photo

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Friday, 21 February 2025

The Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Photos

Fen and Jim
The Office
The owner was great and dances at the Riverside Casino in Laughlin
The Pool
Test Positions

     When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected...

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Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada

Our Visit

     From the get-go, we knew that the Oasis RV Resort was going to be the nicest RV Park that we’ve visited so far.  It’s in a different category than state parks, but as RV resorts go…  We parked the RV in one of the many waiting area slots and walked into a lobby as nice as most hotel resorts.

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The Oasis on the map burned

I originally reserved seven days, and they knocked off $15 a night by changing it to the weekly rate.  They gave us a great site as close to the pool as possible.  The site was concrete with a pad for the picnic table and a grassed area for chairs and relaxing.  Although the park is set up like a big parking lot, the sites are nice and depending on which type you want, they can go from both ends of the scale. 
       I can’t say enough about the two pools and the spa tub.  They are definitely nicer than most RV resorts.  There is a café, rooms for activities (the other night was Karaoke), a weight room, an 18-hole putting golf course, horseshoe pits, dog areas, a laundry, and a convenience store.  Plus, you’re only three miles from the strip (at least where I consider the strip beginning)  
      We’ve been to Vegas many times, this by far, was the most relaxing visit we’ve experienced.  We didn’t feel rushed to do a million things in a week’s time.  We were able to kick back at the pool and enjoy the park.  We did meet friends here and that added to the fun.   We are looking forward to returning here.  
      (Our second visit)  The park is every bit as nice as we remember it.  On our fourth day here, the mass shooting from the Mandalay Bay happened.  Fortunately, we weren't out on the strip that night.  It is very sad that so many people lost their lives to this senseless shooting.   
     On our 4th visit, we ran into friends we met here a year ago and friends that we met in Orlando, Florida, then again in Moody Beach Maine.  This is one of our favorite parks.  We love the weather here.  Especially in September and October.

Campground number thirty-four. 
  • May 31, 2017 -  7 days
  • September 27, 2017 - 10 days
  • October 21, 2017 - 6 days
  • September 26, 2018 - 7 days
  1. Resort Information
  2. Their Description
  3. Amenities
  4. Policies & Rules
Type: Public RV Resort
Address: 2711 W Windmill Ln,
  Las Vegas, NV 89123
Phone: (800) 566-4707
Welcome to Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort

Experience the exciting environment of Las Vegas' most spectacular RV resort. The Oasis Las Vegas, with its tropical "Casablanca" theme, helps guests relax in sunny Las Vegas by day.

We have three different types of sites; STANDARDDELUXE, and PREMIUM.

The STANDARD sites consist of all “back-in” sites along the perimeter of the Resort and tandem in the southern area of the Resort, furthest from the Clubhouse and resort amenities. These Standard sites do not come with picnic tables and are Desert Landscape.

The DELUXE sites consist of all “pull-thru” sites and are located closer to the Clubhouse and resort amenities. These sites also have lawn and picnic tables. Deluxe sites are $5 more than a Standard.

The PREMIUM sites consist of all “pull-thru” and “back-in” sites and are located closest to the Clubhouse and resort amenities. These sites also have lawn and picnic tables. Premium sites are $5 more than a Deluxe.

The PREMIUM PLUS sites are beautiful back-in sites with fencing, bar-b-q pits, and extended grassy areas. Premium Plus sites are $5 more than a Premium.

The BIG RIG are 90-foot sites perfect for pull-thrus and are located in the South Park area of our Resort. Big Rig sites are $7 more than a Premium Plus.

For more information about our rates, click here.

All sites have 20, 30, and 50 amp service, sewer, cable, and wifi.

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort honors Good Sam, AAA, and FMCA discounts.

Also, if you are looking for a great place to hold your rally, well your search is over. Oasis is the place! Our trained and helpful personnel can help to plan your rally festivities and make your rally an enjoyable and affordable event that you will never forget.

For more information about rally group accommodations, click here.

For your peace of mind, we have 24-hour security with a centurion always posted at the front gate.

If you are seeking an RV Resort that offers champagne-class amenities, affordable luxury and superb customer service call us today at 1-800-566-4707 or e-mail reservations@oasislasvegasrvresort.com and allow our friendly staff to make your reservation.

 Open Year Round Symbol burned30 amp Symbol burned50 amp Symbol burnedWater Symbol burnedHandicap Symbol burnedRestroom Symbol burnedShower Symbol 3 burnedPicnic Area Symbol burnedPlayground Symbol burnedPets Symbol burnedSwimming Symbol burnedWifi Symbol burnedDog Run Symbol burnedHorseshoe Symbol burnedShuffleboard Symbol burnedHot Tub Symbol burnedFitness Center Symbol burnedLaundromat Symbol burnedSupplies Store Symbol burnedRestaurant Symbol burnedMailbox Symbol burned

Beautifully landscaped sites with full-hookups

Beachfront family pool and waterfalls

Adult pool and spa

18-hole putting course on natural greens

24-hour courtesy patrol with a centurion always posted at the front gate for your peace of mind

On-site fitness center   

Complimentary WI-FI is available at your site  

Fully stocked convenience store

Restaurant & banquet facilities

Sanctioned Horseshoe Pits 

Comfort Stations with laundry facilities & free showers

For your convenience, you can check-in 22 hours a day, 7 days a week! 

                                (except from the hours of 5 am to 7 am) 

Rally groups welcome
Located just south of the Las Vegas Strip  

What's not to love?


   (Effective 1/18/2018)   

 We want you to have fun and enjoy your visit to the Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort.  The rules, policies and guest information are being provided to you to help make your stay with us carefree and without incident.  

  1. The resort speed limit is 10 MPH.  Speed limits are strictly enforced with zero tolerance.   Because this is very important, guest exceeding the 10MPH limit will receive a written warning. If failure to comply by the third written warning, guests will incur eviction.
  2. No smoking is allowed 25 feet from any clubhouse entrance.
  3. Pet Fences may not exceed 64 square feet. All pet fences must be taken down on mow days.
  4. Registration tags must be visibly displayed on all vehicles and RV’s while on the resort property.
  5. Handicapped parking spaces are available around the clubhouse and comfort stations for up to four (4) hours, for those with proper permits.
  6. All RV’s must be RVIA or RVIC approved before entering the Resort.  Owners must possess a current registration and be able to show proof of RV insurance.
  7. Cab-over campers may NOT be removed from the vehicle and placed on the ground.
  8. Tent camping, sleeping in cars or outside of the RV is prohibited. Tents or tent-like structures are not allowed on the property.
  9. Storage of personal items is prohibited under or around vehicles or RV’s. Security personnel will determine what constitutes storage violations and that determination may be affected by the overall appearance of the site. Structures external to the RV and not an integral part of the RV is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to storage sheds, cabinets, enclosed gazebos/screen rooms, workbenches, fences, and steps.  Gas cans of any size are prohibited.  External propane tanks which exceed 7 gallons of capacity are not allowed.  Propane tanks must be attached to grills, smokers, heaters, etc.  Excessive plants and ornamental objects are not allowed. Screened awning extensions that are hemmed and not tattered are permitted as long as they are not staked into the ground and are limited to one side of the awning.  One (1) storage tote of approved style, color and size is allowed. (See Front Desk for details).  As with the storage of personal items overall aesthetics will be considered by Security staff in making the determination of a violation.  Security staff will provide guests a written violation notice of their site and guests will be given a timeline of 24 hours to address the violation(s).  Some violations will require immediate attention and will not be given a 24-hour timeline. Failure to do so will result in eviction.
  10. Spikes, posts and other objects including decorative items or flag poles may not be driven into any surface on or around sites.
  11. Picnic tables may not be moved onto the grassy areas of sites nor may rugs, carpets or any other items be placed on the grassy areas of sites, which in the view of Oasis personnel,  may damage the grass.
  12. Sites are designated for a maximum of (1) RV and two (2) motorized vehicles if space allows. Extra non-motorized towed units of conveyance, such as, but not limited to, cargo trailers, boat trailers, and utility trailers, must be placed into storage at an additional cost.  Daily guests may have non-motorized towed units on-site, provided the unit remains properly attached to the RV and does not exceed the site space.  Monthly guest must use storage for towed units of conveyance without exception.  Contact Front Desk for information on where to park work and box trucks as well as extra vehicles.
  13. Due to safety and liability concerns the use of skateboards, boogie boards, scooters, roller skates or roller blades are not allowed anywhere on the resort property. If said above items have a minimum of 6" wheels, they may be used. 
  14. Persons under 21 years of age are prohibited from loitering around gaming machines in the clubhouse.
  15. Only High-Pressure washers with a minimum of 1000 PSI are permitted for use in washing vehicles in the Resort.
  16. Resort guests are responsible for the conduct, behavior, and control of their children and visiting guests.  Children under 14 years of age must have adult supervision in the comfort stations, clubhouse and pool area.
  17. Resort guests are financially responsible for any damage to Resort property, intentional or accidental.  Willful damage or defacing of Resort property will be cause for immediate eviction and prosecution.
  18. Smoking (including the use of electronic smoking devices) is prohibited in the clubhouse and comfort stations.
  19. Wastewater must be discharged into authorized receptacles only and never discharged onto the ground.  Sewer collars or approved sealed sewer connections are required at all times.
  20. Open fires are not permitted at any time.  Outdoor fire pits that are elevated and completely screened in, as well as charcoal or gas grills,  are acceptable.
  21. Wildlife (eg. Pigeons/birds) are not considered pets and may not be fed at any time.
  22. Shirts and shoes must be worn when entering the clubhouse along with the appropriate dress.
  23. Clotheslines may not be erected for any purpose.
  24. Guests are not permitted to cut or defoliate any trees, bushes, or plants on the resort property. Guests are also prohibited from altering, moving, or removing any Oasis property including but not limited to site pedestals.
  25. Firearms, lethal weapons or fireworks are prohibited on Resort property.
  26. Common courtesy will prevail between all persons in the Resort.  Profane, abusive or threatening language or actions directed at Resort personnel or other guests are prohibited.  Anyone engaging in such activity will be evicted from the Resort.  Any guest whose actions interfere with the operation of the Resort will be evicted.
  27. All guests and vendors are responsible for abiding by Resort rules and policies.  Any person who fails to adhere to Resort rules and policies may be evicted from the Resort at the sole discretion of Resort management.  These rules and policies supersede any previous rules or policies previously written or discussed.
  28. The Resort reserves the right to make changes to the rules and policies at any time, without prior notice.       





  • All sites rental fees are due and payable in advance.  Checkout time is 12:00 noon.  Check-in time is 1:00 pm. Late checkouts may be accommodated, depending on availability.  You must contact the Front Desk for a late checkout if you plan to stay after 12:00 noon.  An additional charge of $10.00 per hour will be assessed for guests checking out/vacating their site after 12 noon.  Guests who have not vacated their sites by 3:00 pm will be assessed an additional night’s rental fee.  Resort management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.  Guests must be 21 or older to register for an RV site.
  • Guests use the Resort facilities and amenities at their own risk.  The Resort is not responsible for loss or damage due to fire, accident, theft, weather or catastrophic events.
  • Open and obvious conditions – The Resort is not responsible for guests who hit, drive into, bump into, fall or trip into open and obvious structures such as trees, shrubs, fences, fire hydrants with vehicles or by a person.  These conditions do not carry warnings because the “obviousness” of the danger is sufficient.
  • Vehicles must be parked on your assigned site or in designated parking areas only.  Parking on grass areas or in the street is prohibited.  Parking is not allowed on any area with grass landscaping to protect the irrigation system.  Parking spaces at comfort stations are to be used only for Resort guests while using the restrooms and laundry facility.  Vehicles parked in violation of these rules are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.
  • Resort management reserves the right to approve or reject any guest based on the age and/or appearance of their vehicle or RV.
  • All RV’s and personal vehicles must be capable of being moved within a 24-hour notice.  If an owner cannot move their vehicle or RV, the owner must have it moved by a third party, at the owner’s expense.
  • “Quiet time” is between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am.  Quiet time evening hours may be extended for Oasis sponsored events taking place at the Clubhouse as determined by the General Manager.  All motorized vehicles and bicycles must be equipped with a forward projecting light and rear reflectors during this time.  Children under 18 years of age are required to be at their RV site during quiet time.  The operation of generators is not allowed at any time in the Resort.
  • Bicycles or any other wheeled recreational devises are not allowed on the golf-putting course, sidewalks, across RV sites, on the pool deck, patios and around the clubhouse or in buildings.
  • Trash is to be placed in waste containers located throughout the Resort.  Resort waste containers cannot accommodate large items.   Guests are to dispose of large items elsewhere out of the Resort.  Do not dispose of hazardous waste items anywhere in the Resort.  Oasis is an official recycling center.  Guests are encouraged to place recyclables in marked recycle bins located throughout the Resort. Please, no glass or Styrofoam items.
  •  Signs and other notices may not be posted in any areas unless the General Manager has provided prior approval.  Guests may not sell, advertise or offer services while in the Resort.   The General Manager must approve any outside business operation in the Resort.
  • As a common courtesy, please refrain from walking through occupied sites.
  • Mechanical work of any kind, along with all interior work consisting of floor, wall or large appliances, is strictly prohibited unless performed by an authorized dealer.

The Oasis RV Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada

      From the get-go, we knew that the Oasis RV Resort was going to be the nicest RV Park that we’ve visited so far.  It’s in a different category than state parks, but as RV resorts go…  We parked the RV in one of the many waiting area slots and walked into a lobby as nice as most hotel resorts.  I originally reserved seven days, and they knocked off $15 a night by changing it to the weekly rate.  They gave us a great site as close to the pool as possible.  The site was concrete with a pad for the picnic table and a grassed area for chairs and relaxing.  Although the park is set up like a big parking lot, the sites are nice and depending on which type you want, they can go from both ends of the scale. 
       I can’t say enough about the two pools and the spa tub.  They are definitely nicer than most RV resorts.  There is a café, rooms for activities (the other night was Karaoke), a weight room, an 18-hole putting golf course, horseshoe pits, dog areas, a laundry, and a convenience store.  Plus, you’re only three miles from the strip (at least where I consider the strip beginning)  
      We’ve been to Vegas many times, this by far, was the most relaxing visit we’ve experienced.  We didn’t feel rushed to do a million things in a week’s time.  We were able to kick back at the pool and enjoy the park.  We did meet friends here and that added to the fun.   We are looking forward to returning here.  
      (Our second visit)  The park is every bit as nice as we remember it.  On our fourth day here, the mass shooting from the Mandalay Bay happened.  Fortunately, we weren't out on the strip that night.  It is very sad that so many people lost their lives to this senseless shooting.   
     On our 4th visit, we ran into friends we met here a year ago and friends that we met in Orlando, Florida, then again in Moody Beach Maine.  This is one of our favorite parks.  We love the weather here.  Especially in September and October.

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5 31 19 mappClick on map for a larger view.