Where We Are Now

We landed this afternoon at Ely KOA Journey, pretty much right in the middle of Nevada, elevation, 6500 ft. This is just a stop-over for a night, but it really is a nice campground. We plan to drive around this after and check out the town.

   Ely KOA our site

Where We Are on the Map

Where to Next

From here we're heading north to Idaho. Our first stop is a place called Anderson Camp. We plan to spend a couple of days there so we can check out Shoshone Falls and what's left of Twin Falls

 Anderson Camp Stock Photo

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Friday, 14 March 2025

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Champoeg State Heritage Area

    Champoeg is a park that I've been visiting since the '70's.  Until I bought a motorhome, I had never camped there.  The park itself is a great place for family/company picnics, access to the Willamette River, learning the area history, bike riding, and disc golfing.  The campground has two sections.  One is well establised in the trees and features several yurts.  The other is newer and the trees are less established leaving a more open feel.  It features a group of nice cabins. Between the two loops is an outdoor amphitheater.  
     For years the camp has held an outdoor historic pageant of the history of Oregon and the Northwest.  I believe the annual pageant no longer exists, but there is a museum that tells the same story.  


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