Where We Are Now

We landed this afternoon at Ely KOA Journey, pretty much right in the middle of Nevada, elevation, 6500 ft. This is just a stop-over for a night, but it really is a nice campground. We plan to drive around this after and check out the town.

   Ely KOA our site

Where We Are on the Map

Where to Next

From here we're heading north to Idaho. Our first stop is a place called Anderson Camp. We plan to spend a couple of days there so we can check out Shoshone Falls and what's left of Twin Falls

 Anderson Camp Stock Photo

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Friday, 14 March 2025

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Trinidad Lake State Park, Trinidad Colorado

       Trinidad Lake State Park is another campground that I would certainly revisit.   We did have a couple of unexpected surprises though.  First, you need to pay for a parking permit ($7 per day) on top of your paid camping fees.  The second was, that most sites didn't have water, only a few did.  Other than that, the campground was very clean and the staff was very friendly and helpful.  There are six hiking trails, four of them under a mile.  The facilities were immaculate.  However, you did need to pay for the showers.  We also found that each of the three nights that we were there, winds picked up each afternoon, preventing us from barbecuing.  


        While there, we took some time to do some site-seeing.  One day we drove the "Highway of Legends"  It's around 90 miles round trip.  The views were worth the drive.  On the way back we took some time to visit the Ludlow Memorial and learn about the Ludlow Massacre in 1914.  The second day there we explored Trinidad and visited a couple of museums and learned about the town's history.  It has three separate histories, first the archeology history of the dinosaur and plant fossils found there, then the history of the Santa Fe Trail, and finally the history of its coal mining and brick manufacturing.  Half the streets are paved in brick and most of the buildings are either brick or adobe block.

From Colorado State Parks

The mild climate and large lake are ideal for water sports. Anglers catch rainbow and brown trout, largemouth bass, channel catfish, walleye, crappie, and bluegill. All types of boaters appreciate the open waters and modern services.

Miles of trails winding through ancient and interesting local history and spectacular scenery provide visitors and nature enthusiasts with great outdoor exploration opportunities.

Trinidad Lake is a wonderful place to escape the crowds and establish a base camp from which to explore the great outdoors plus visit interesting local attractions. Area attractions like the former mining town of Trinidad with its colorful history make great side trips.

In order to provide better customer service and access to quality camping, starting July 1, 2018, all sites at this park will be available by reservation ONLY.

​Occupation of a site without a reservation will not be permitted.
If you wish to occupy a site at this park, you may reserve it 24/7 at www.cpwshop.com​ or by calling 1-800-244-5613.
The 3-day reservation window does not apply at this park; sites are available for reservation 24/7.
Self-service camping permits will no longer be valid.
For questions, please contact the CPW call center at 303-297-1192.​​

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