Where We Are Now

We landed this afternoon at Ely KOA Journey, pretty much right in the middle of Nevada, elevation, 6500 ft. This is just a stop-over for a night, but it really is a nice campground. We plan to drive around this after and check out the town.

   Ely KOA our site

Where We Are on the Map

Where to Next

From here we're heading north to Idaho. Our first stop is a place called Anderson Camp. We plan to spend a couple of days there so we can check out Shoshone Falls and what's left of Twin Falls

 Anderson Camp Stock Photo

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Friday, 14 March 2025

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Moody Beach RV Campground, Wells, Maine

     We were informed that there was no way that we could check-in before noon, however when we arrived well before that, there was no problem at all.  A camp ranger loaded us up in a golf cart and took us out to pick a site.  Friends we had met in Florida were there and we were hoping to camp close to them.  The campground has a section of 50 amp sites and a section of 30 amp sites with one row of 50's in the middle.  Of course, our friends were in that row.  The campground was booked solid so we had the choice of the only 50 left (at the far end of the campground) or take a 30 near Jim & Fen.  We opted for the 30.  The site we picked ran parallel to the road which was a first for us.  It actually worked out fine, but it was very tight.  It also put us with our door away from the road so that we when we sat outside we were hidden from everyone.  We enjoy meeting new people so this arrangement wasn't the best for us.  We did, however, meet the folks camping on the next road sharing the same yard.   All in all, it was fine.  The campground has a nice pool and a lot of the usual amenities for a Thousand Trails park, but most were very run down and not used.  (no pickleball)  Overall, the campground was pretty good, the 30 amp sites were all in the trees so that there was enough shade so that only running one AC was fine.  

    The location of Moody Beach is great.  I believe they offer a shuttle to the local beach, there is a fun center just outside the gate and the small town of Wells is a touristy town with lots of shops and restaurants.  On our first night in Maine, we went out for a lobster dinner.  The lobster was the best, but the restaurant wasn't what we expected.  For that kind of money, I expect to be waited on and served on real plates.  However, we were with good friends so it was a fun memorable experience.  One day, we explored the coast to the north up to Portland and one day to the south down to Portsmouth.  We had a couple great days exploring parks, lighthouses, small towns, and taking photos along the way.  At Dyer Point, the rocks looked so much like wood I had to grab a small piece to be sure.  While at Portland Head Lighthouse we spotted a small whale, but weren't able to get a photo of it.  The coast of Maine is absolutely beautiful.  On our next visit to the state, I hope to explore the rest of the coast.  

Coastal RV Camp in Maine
     If beauty and serenity are at the top of your list, then booking a Moody Beach RV Camping trip is the ticket to an enjoyable retreat. Just minutes from Ogunquit Beach, this RV camp in Maine offers activities that represent authentic coastal living. Get extreme with whale watching or deep sea fishing. Shop, hike or walk along the beach. Maine is known for its seafood, so be sure to enjoy the many great restaurants nearby.

      Reserve a spot today at Moody Beach RV Campground in Maine. The beautifully wooded area will provide peaceful views for your entire stay. Tent sites, full hookup pull thru sites and rentals accommodations are available for all of your camping needs.

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