Where We Are Now

We landed this afternoon at Ely KOA Journey, pretty much right in the middle of Nevada, elevation, 6500 ft. This is just a stop-over for a night, but it really is a nice campground. We plan to drive around this after and check out the town.

   Ely KOA our site

Where We Are on the Map

Where to Next

From here we're heading north to Idaho. Our first stop is a place called Anderson Camp. We plan to spend a couple of days there so we can check out Shoshone Falls and what's left of Twin Falls

 Anderson Camp Stock Photo

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Friday, 14 March 2025

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Soledad Canyon RV Camping & Resort, Acton Califonia


      We got a late start in leaving Las Vegas and the temperature had climbed to an uncomfortable state. With the dash air conditioner not putting out the cool air that it should have been, the drive west to Soledad Canyon was less than comfortable. We stopped to pick up a custom fitted rock shield for our dinghy along the way. It was ready but needed to be customized further to fit around our hitch, which meant us sitting in the coach for two hours without any AC. When we finally got to the campground, it was after six. Soledad Canyon Campground & RV Park is a 1000 Trails park, so you have to drive around, find a vacant spot and then let the “Ranger” know which spot you picked. The ranger on duty was nice enough, but he failed to correctly mention how to identify which spots were which, so it was a guessing game. Unfortunately, with us being tired and hungry we didn’t detach the car and go find a spot, we decided to drive the coach around the campground to find one. The park is quite large and needs some general care. Tree branches were hanging over the roads and the sites weren't very well marked. Driving around a branch hit and broke the shroud to one of our AC units. The first site we picked, we stepped out find quite a colony of ants, so we moved on. Finally, we found a site with 50 amps and didn’t seem to have any other issues. However, it wasn’t a site that we wanted to set out the chairs and enjoy. Not a great first impression.

     In the morning, we went to the welcome center to say something about the low branches damaging our coach and the ranger was less than friendly but gave us a form. Later we took the dogs for a walk around the grounds. Actually, there are some nice features. The adult pool was about twice the size of most campgrounds pools and the family pool was probably three times the size of the adult pool and both pools are very well maintained. The adult lodge building was fine. There are two areas for horseshoes, a miniature golf course, nice tennis courts and a couple of basketball courts, these too were maintained. Also, there is quite a large grassy park with ponds. The grass was mowed, but outside of that, it looked as if it never got used and the buildings we in poor repair. When we did go up and use the pool, we had it all to ourselves. It was really nice, there is also a hot tub next to the pool large enough for fifteen people. I can’t say enough good things about the pool.

      Later, we got back to the welcome center with our form and both the on-duty ranger and the park manager were very helpful with our issue. The manager came to our site, climbed up on the roof and took pictures. So maybe the first ranger was just having a bad morning.

     The park is quite large, all sites are dirt and not well taken care of. There are lots and lots of ground squirrels everywhere and so there are holes everywhere. They are cute, but I think some of their tunnelings has lessened the integrity of the site we parked in. One of the pads folded when I put the jack down on top of it. We will probably visit the campground again in the future and hopefully find a better camping spot.


     Enjoy all the perks of a traditional campground with the added bonus of resort-style amenities at Soledad Canyon RV Resort. With a secluded location in the high desert country along the Santa Clara stream way, Soledad Canyon RV Resort features majestic scenery. Large picnic areas surround the largest swimming pool in the west, perfect for enjoying the California sunshine.

     This Los Angeles RV campground is just 15 minutes from major shopping centers and 1 hour from nearby attractions like Universal Studios Hollywood and Six Flags Magic Mountain. Don't miss out on a spectacular trip to Soledad Canyon RV Resort, where the weather is beautiful and recreation is always in season.

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